Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Deadpool (2016)

DeadpoolDirected by:  Tim Miller
Written by:  Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein
Running Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes
Rating: R

Pre-Conceived Notions: I try to pride myself on being a pop culture nerd, but I fail really hardcore sometimes. Like I think I’ve always heard people talk about Deadpool, but I had no idea who he was, or really even what he was. And then I heard more about him, and the fact that he breaks the 4th wall and actually is conscious of the fact that he’s in a comic book? That’s so meta and weird that I don’t know why I wasn’t aware of him earlier. And apparently the movie follows suit with Deadpool making cracks about Ryan Reynolds. I wonder if there will be any mention of Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place. I loved that show!

Bit-O-Trivia from the IMDb page: “During a talk at Google, Ryan Reynolds revealed that the taxi driver ‘Dopinder’ was named after a ‘really cool guy’ he knew in elementary school, who died when he was hit by lightening. It was meant to be a tribute to him.” 

1 hour, 40 minutes later…: Let me begin by saying that I believe that one of a film’s goals is to tell a story. A complete story, even if it’s based off a comic book that a lot of people are fans of—especially if it’s based off a comic book a lot of people are fans of. A film should not just cater to the die hard fans of said comic book character, it should take people who are comic book virgins, wine them, dine them, show them a good time. Maybe buy them a drink. Spoon a little, and then tell a complete goddamn story. 

As a 100% Deadpool newbie, I have to say I was completely lost. None of the characters were flashed out for me. Who was the humongous silver Russian dude? Why is he even friends with Deadpool? And what about that chick with him that Deadpool kept making Sinéad comments at? What was her deal? 

I’m going to write another paragraph that are full of questions. Are you ready? What was Ajax/Francis’ motive for tricking people into become torture victims? Why does a deprivation of oxygen mutate and disfigure people? Why was he so sensitive about Wade divulging his identity? Who was Ajax/Francis’ assistant and why is she so much stronger than Silver Russian Dude? 

So many questions left unsatisfactorily hanging out there. Maybe people who have read Deadpool for years know what the movie is talking about, but I was just lost. I was laughing my head off at the one-liners and pop culture references that were being fired off, but I was just floating in a sea of plot waiting for someone to throw a freakin’ lifesaver. 

Final Thoughts: 4 out of 6 slices of pizza. Speaking of pizza, does anyone know what happened to the other guy from 2 Guys…? He was pretty funny, too.  

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